Posted by : Unknown 26 November 2012

Just for all you casual readers, you're entering a nerd zone here. If you couldn't care less about an indie game that looks pretty decent then you'll probably enjoy the day blogs more. You have been warned. I'm not responsible for any deaths that occur via boredom.
This is most likely going to be more shorthand than my full day posts because of the fact things are moving so fast during the panel, so I won't be elaborating quite as much as usual. Also, I've only got like 30 minutes here before I need to be somewhere else so this won't be the full panel. Although I'm positive you don't mind.

Gunpoint (Suspicious Developments)

Tom Francis (the guy who made/is making the game) with the game projected onto a screen. Tom's a writer for PC Gamer and he's created Gun Point in his spare time for the past two years; mainly on his own. Pretty impressive.
There are control instructions on the screen:

W, A, S, D to move (urgh, hopefully changeable)
ESC to save and quit game
1. Hold down the left mouse button to aim a jump
2. Move mouse further away for a stronger jump
3. It takes a moment to charge up to full strength

I'm assuming all the questions we have about the above instructions (especially the three numbered ones) will be answered in due course.

Gunpoint is a stealth game where you play as a freelance spy taking jobs from clients. Which means you get to break into buildings to steal stuff. The key concept is the fact you can hack and rewire electricals to make your mission easier. For example you could rewire a light/light switch to a door switch so you can get through to the next room. He actually waited until a guard was by the door and then activated it to slam the door in the guard's face; creative. 

The game looks good too. It's a side scroller (so all 2D). There's plenty of detail in the buildings, and there seems to be a lot of potential to be really creative with how you approach a mission.

Gunpoint is made in Game Maker. Which means that every time you start the game, it's completely randomised. Does that mean near unlimited playability? Pretty much.

Here's the answer the question you may have had regarding the numbered points: Tom wanted his game to be different in regards to how the main character jumps. So basically the numbers at the top describe how you jump using just the mouse. The big thing Tom pushed with the jumping mechanic us how you can jump through windows to surprise guards or even get at an angle where you can push enemies out of windows onto the ground below. 

No information on when the game will be released and on what platforms (apart from PC, definitely PC), so I'll try dig up some gossip.

Here's a more detailed video on Gunpoint for those interested. Bare in mind it's a year old so the game is a bit more polished, but its basic mechanics are the same.

And that's all I had time for! When I left Tom was giving tips to aspiring game makers, so take a look on his blog if you're interested in that extra stuff.

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